Affiliate Software Documentation

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

In a nutshell, Affiliate Marketing using our Affiliate Software works like this:

Install and Configure the Affiliate Program

  • Install the Affiliate Manager software on your website or hosting account. JAM will manage your affiliate program and your affiliate members.

Recruit and Signup Affiliate Members

  • A new affiliate, usually another website operator, signs up for your affiliate program, managed by your affiliate software.
  • Your Affiliate members area automatically gives them his / her own unique affiliate link to promote your products or services.
  • This unique link is what he/she uses to promote your goods all over the Internet. These promotions can be in the form of banner advertising, email signatures, email advertising, and so on.

Track Your Affiliate Referrals

  • Whenever a visitor sees these promotions and clicks on that affiliate link, they are tracked. This tracking mechanism is done by placing an Internet cookie on the visitor's computer so that the affiliate marketing software knows which affiliate member referred them.
  • After clicking on the affiliate link, that visitor is redirected to your web site in order to check out your products and services.

Generate Referral Sales and Repeat Customers

  • When that visitor either decides to buy your product, or perform any other action that you want them to do (such as fill out a form), the affiliate software generates a commission for the referring affiliate.
  • The affiliate can do this repeatedly in order to generate more commissions and ultimately create a good income for him / her.
  • In your case, you will be able to generate new sales easily and with no upfront costs because you never have to pay for promotional costs before a sale is made.