Affiliate Software Documentation

Managing Affiliate Marketing Events

Activating The Events Calendar

To use Member Events as one of your affiliate marketing tools, make sure to click on the Active /Inactive icon in the Marketing Tools > Affiliate Marketing page, under the Member Events button. This will activate the Member Events module as an affiliate marketing tool for you.

Adding Member Events

To add a new member event, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Marketing Tools > Affiliate Marketing. Click on the Member Events icon.
  2. The Events Calendar page will show the calendar and any events you have for the current day.
  3. To add a new event, click on the Add Event button.
  4. On the Add Event tab, enter the following:
    • Date - The date of your new event.
    • Status - Set this event to be inactive / active.
    • Start Time - The time the event starts.
    • End Time - The time the event ends.
    • Recurrence - If you want this event to recur for a certain number of days, enter a number here. For example, if you want this even to run for a full week, enter 7.
    • Event Title - The title for your event.
    • Event Location - The location or address for this event.
    • Event Description - A Short description of this event.

Inactive Events

If you have events that have not been activated, they will be listed on the Inactive Events tab. You can click on this tab and activate those events so that it will show up on the affiliate members calendar.