Affiliate Software Documentation

Managing Viral Videos

Activating Viral Videos

To use Viral Videos as one of your affiliate marketing tools, make sure to click on the Active /Inactive icon in the Marketing Tools > Affiliate Marketing page, under the Viral Videos button. This will activate the Viral Videos module as an affiliate marketing tool for you.

Adding Viral Videos

To add a new Viral Video, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Marketing Tools > Affiliate Marketing. Click on the Viral Videos icon.
  2. The Manage Viral Videos page will list any Viral Videos that you have.
  3. To add a new Viral Video, click on the Add Viral Video button.
  4. On the Manage Viral Video page, enter the following:
    • Status - Enable or disable this Viral Video.
    • Program Name - Select the program this affiliate ad belongs to.
    • Viral Video Name - The name of your affiiate ad.
    • Viral Video Link - The URL to your .FLV file or Youtube video.
    • Enable Redirect - If you want this ad to redirect to a different URL, enable this option.
    • Redirect Custom Url - The custom URL you want this ad to be redirected to if you enabled the option above.