Affiliate Software Documentation

Incorrect home page shows and not the login page

After installing JAM and clicking on the log-in page, if you are just redirected to a page like your home page, this could be an issue of mod_rewrite. This happens quite a lot if you have WordPress or some other script running on your root web folder that uses mod_rewrite rules as well.

Try this to fix it:

  1. Open up the .htaccess file that is included in the JAM installation folder.
  2. Edit the following line:

    #RewriteBase /

  3. Uncomment and Change it to:

    RewriteBase /affiliates

  4. Make sure to replace /affiliates with the actual folder you installed JAM on.
  5. Save it and upload the .htaccess file to your JAM installation folder (not your root folder)
  6. Go back and try logging in to your affiliate program. This should fix the rewrite issue.