Affiliate Software Documentation

Security Settings

This tab allows you to configure options for click and commission security, as well as the access restrictions to your affiliate program

Security Settings Tab

Alert Email Address - Email address to send debugging, system, and security alerts to.

Enable IP Restriction To Admin Area - If you want to restrict access to your admin area to specific IPs, enable this option.

Admin Restrict To IPs - If you want to restrict access to your admin area to specific IPs, enter it here in comma-separated format.

Require Email Confirmation On Signup - If you want your users to first confirm their email after signing up, enable this option

Require Admin Approval On Signup -If you want to approve all accounts on sign-up, enable this option.

Block IP Addresses - If you want to block certain IPs from accessing your affiliate program, enter them one line and hit ENTER.

Enable Form Flood Control - Restrict users to sending down-line emails in a 24 hour period.

Flood Control Interval -The number of times affiliate members can send in a 24 hour period.

Block Free Email Address Registration - enable this option if you want to block specific email domains set below.

Block Email Domains - If you want specific email domains to be blocked when registering, enter each domain on its own line here.

Enable Auto Ip Block On Submission Errors - If you want to automatically block certain users by IP when they submit forms, such as logging in.

Automatic Ip Block Interval -The number of times a user can submit a form before being blocked by IP address.

Enable ReCAPTCHA On Registration - If you want to user ReCAPTCHA on your affiliate submission form, enable it here.

ReCAPTCHA Public Key - Your ReCAPTCHA Public Key

ReCAPTCHA Private Key - Your ReCAPTCHA Private key

ReCAPTCHA Theme -Theme to use for ReCAPTCHA.  Default is  white 

Click Security Tab

Block Clicks From IP Addresses - If you want to block clicks from specific IP addresses, enter each IP on one line here.

Auto Block Multiple Clicks from the Same IP - If you want to block clicks from the same IP address, enable this option

Commission Security Tab

Block Commission Generation From IP - Block specific IPs from being able to generate commissions

Duplicate Transaction ID Monitor - If you want to monitor duplicate transaction IDs enter the number of  seconds here.

Restrict Commission Generation to IP - If you want to restrict commissions being generated to a specific IP, enter the IP on one line here.

Require Unique Transaction IDs Only - If you want to only allow unique transaction IDs to be generated on your affiliate program, enable this option.