Affiliate Software Documentation

Using Remote Domain Affiliate Links

The affiliate software supports the ability to use remote domains as its affiliate links. For example, if you installed the affiliate program in the following domain:

Normally, the affiliate links would be from that same domain name:

where USERNAME is the username of the affiliate.

With remote domain affiliate links, you can change the tracking link to be:

where is a different domain altogether. This can be something that you may want to do if your site uses a different ecommerce store, or your hosting account does not allow installation of third party scripts.

By doing this, you can still use our affiliate software as your affiliate marketing system on a different domain.

Requirements for using Remote Domain Affiliate Links

To use this affiliate feature, you must be allowed to add some javascript code on your remote domain's landing page, or add a small tracking file (track.php) to the root of your remote domain. This is required so that we can set the affiliate cookie for tracking your affiliate referrals.

Enabling Remote Domain Affiliate Links

To enable remote affiliate links, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Programs > Manage Programs on the top menu of your affiliate admin area.
  2. Click on the Edit icon for the default affiliate program (program #1)
  3. Click on the Program Info > Remote Affiliate Links tab
  4. Set the following:
    • Use Remote Domain Link- Enter the full path for your affiliate link, along with the {USERNAME} tag, which represents the username. For example:{USERNAME}. This would translate to a real affiliate link like: Where joesmithis the affiliate's username.
    • Remote Domain Name - the top level name of the remote domain. For example, Do not add the www
    • Cookie Name- enter jamcom as the cookie name
    • Save it.
    • Once it is saved, go back to the Remote Affiliate Links tab and download the track.php file.
  5. Upload the track.php file to your remote domain's root folder. For example, it should be look like this after uploading:

If you cannot upload the track.php to your remote site, you can still use some JavaScript code to set the tracking links. Because each site is different from the other, we don't have a generic JavaScript code to use for setting the links. Please contact us for a custom solution.