Affiliate Software Documentation
Managing Affiliate Banners
To add new banners to your affiliate program, follow these steps
- Click on the Marketing Tools > Affiliate Marketing link on the menu of your affiliate admin area.
- Click on the Banners icon. This page will show all the banners available on your site.
- Click on the Add Banner button.
- Once the Manage Banner window appears, under the Banner Details tab, enter the following:
- Banner Name - The name of your banner.
- Status - Set the status of the banner to active or inactive.
- Program Name - Select the program this particular banner will be used on for promotion.
- Banner Width - The width of your banner in pixels.
- Banner Height - The height of your banner in pixels.
- Upload Banner - Select the banner file to upload from your computer. Make sure it is a JPG, GIF, or PNG file.
- Use External Image - If you want to link directly to an external image URL for your banner, enable this option.
- Banner File Name - The full path to your external image file.
- Enable Custom URL Redirect - If you want to redirect users to a different URL other than the default one for the program, enable this option.
- Redirect Custom URL - If you have set the Enabe Custom URL Redirect to enable, enter the full URL here.
- Banner Notes - Add any notes for this banner.